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Noise Management Plan 2024


  1. Purpose
  2. Operational Hours
  3. Responsibilities and Authority
  4. Event Organisation and Management
  5. Noise Limits
  6. Noise Measurement Test
  7. Half-Metre Static Test
  8. Two-Metre Static Test
  9. Drifting
  10. Enforcement Procedures
  11. Drive Past Noise Margins
  12. Mitigation Measures
  13. Circuit Public Address System
  14. Community Levels
  15. Notification, Complaints and Community Liaison
  16. Noise Management Plan Review
  17. Glossary of Terms
  18. Circuit Plan
  19. 2024 Motorsport Calendar


The Noise Management Plan (NMP) provides a framework for owners, operators, competitors, regulatory authorities, and members of the community with regards to noise from Three Sisters Race Circuit (TSRC). The NMP is intended to be a dynamic management control document to ensure continual improvement. It sets out the management procedures, processes, and controls in agreement with the local authority, Wigan Council (WC) that cover all aspects of mitigating the noise impact. The NMP will be constantly reviewed in line with good operational practice and improvements in noise measuring techniques and noise silencing and is therefore subject to revised versions being published at the discretion of TRSC.

Noise Management Procedures

1.  Purpose

The NMP is used to meet the noise level requirements because of restrictions imposed on TSRC to ensure noise impacts are mitigated for environmental and/or planning reasons. These are reasonable restrictions which ensure our various activities create the minimum amount of disturbance to residents neighbouring the circuit. The NMP applies to the use and operation of TSRC and the paddock area for the purpose of motor vehicle activities and the PA system.

2.  Operational Hours

Race vehicle movement on the track including practice, testing, qualifying, and racing may only take place on the circuit during the following hours:

  • For Racing Engines, Monday to Friday 9am – 6pm, Saturday, Sundays, and Bank Holidays 10am – 6pm.
  • Non- Race Engine Events, 9am – 10pm.

3.  Responsibilities and Authority

  1. The Managing Director is responsible for overall management of the circuit.
  2. The Circuit Director is responsible for issuing contracts for hire of the circuit.
  3. The Circuit Director is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the circuit.
  4. The Circuit Director is responsible for noise control by managing the noise measuring equipment and providing noise management advice for all Circuit activity in accordance with the NMP.
  5. Meeting organisers, circuit day operators, circuit hirers and their staff and employees are responsible for events within their hire period, and for their clients, club members and competitors.

4.  Event Organisation and Management

  1. The Managing Director shall ensure that all circuit users are contracted to comply with the requirements of the NMP.
  2. The Circuit Director shall ensure that the NMP is enforced on each day of circuit activity by means of:
    • Information posted in signing on areas.
    • Signage indicating the noise controls in force on that day.
    • Supervision of noise control including “Static Noise Tests” and “Drive Past Test” measurements.
    • Enforcement action against defaulters.

5.  Noise Limits

All vehicles (cars, karts, and motorcycles) participating in a track day at TSRC must conform to TSRC noise test limits.


Drive by (dB(A))

Static (dB(A))

Cars, Karts and Motorcycles



Drift Cars




Unsilenced vehicles: unless the client has obtained prior specific consent from TSRC prior to such use, unsilenced vehicles of any kind are prohibited at TSRC.

6. Noise Measurement Test

Noise measuring will be undertaken as a two-stage process:

  1. Where an event is subject to the Motorsport UK (MSUK) or Autocycle Union (ACU) or some other nationally recognised motor sports body “A Regulatory Body” the Circuit Management shall ensure that “Static Noise Tests” required in the regulations of the Regulatory Body regarding noise shall be implemented.
  2. Where the Regulatory Body regards “Static Noise Testing”, the operations director shall supervise and monitor to ensure that such “Static Noise Tests” are performed in the correct manner and with compliance to the Regulatory Body’s procedures to noise levels laid down by that Regulatory Body.
  3. Where an event is not subject to a Regulatory Body regulation the Operations Director shall supervise a “Static Noise Test” performed according to MSUK/ACU procedures to noise levels agreed by TSRC and the hirer as laid down by the hire contract in force. This may be performed by the Operations Director or designee or by the hirer providing that the hirer has satisfied the Operations Director that suitably qualified persons and calibrated equipment has been provided.
  4. TSRC shall also operate continuous “Drive Past Test” testing using a trackside Class 1 or 2 measurement microphone and noise logger, field calibrated each day the circuit is used. The “Drive Past Test” measurement system will be positioned where the “Drive Past” level will be similar to the “Static Noise Test” noise level, TSRC has a maximum “Static Noise Test” at present of 100dB and “Drive Past Test” level on track of 90dB.
  5. Where an event is operated under the regulations of a Regulatory Body then the “Drive Past Test” shall be used to support the “Static Noise Test” and to inform the Clerk of the Course regarding vehicle noise such that he or she may apply enforcement procedures if required.

7.  Half-Metre Static Test (cars and karts)


TSRC will conduct a compulsory “Static Noise Test” before a vehicle is permitted on the track. This test usually follows the standard set by MSUK guidelines.

The sound meter will be placed 1/2 metre out and up from the vehicle exhaust at an angle of 45 degree, the test will be taken at 2/3rd maximum RPM. A 3-metre clear area is essential around the vehicle for this test. All results from “Static Noise Tests” will be recorded and held for 12 months.

8.  Two-Metre Static Test (bikes)

The sound level will be measured with the sound meter/microphone fixed on a tripod, in the horizontal position at the rear of the motorcycle.

The sound meter will be positioned at 2 metres behind the motorcycle, with an angle of 45 degrees away from the centreline, on the exhaust side and at a height of 1.35m above the ground. The 2m distance is measured from the point where the centre of the rear tyre touches the ground. The throttle is opened to maximum for no more than 1 second or before the rev limiter is reached.

Whichever test method is in use the use of temporary silencers, or the inclusion of temporary parts to achieve the silencing requirements are prohibited.

9.  Drifting

The Drift League (TDL) and the Matsuri Drift Series (MDS) have the following requirements relating to noise:

  • The exhaust noise level must be within regulations at each venue.
  • Additional noise level readings may be taken during practice, qualifying and twin battles.
  • If any competition vehicle exceeds the acceptable “dBA” level set by the circuit, they will be removed from the competition and must pass acceptable “dBA” level tests to return.
  • TSRC specific “dBA” level will be announced prior to each event.
  • A maximum of six drifting vehicles only will be permitted on the track during an event.

10.  Enforcement Proceedures

  1. Special measures are in force to control noise in accordance with MSUK and ACU guidance in the MSUK and ACU Yearbook.
  2. All vehicles are subject to a “Static Noise Test” if a vehicle fails the “Static Noise Test” it shall not be permitted to enter the track but may be modified or repaired and re-presented for a further test.
  3. In addition to the “Static Noise Test” all participating vehicles shall be monitored by a “Drive Past Test” noise monitoring system located on Conrad straight, the microphone is permanently connected to a noise meter which measures noise levels constantly. The meter is itself connected to a computer whose software constantly displays and records the noise levels being recorded by the microphone. The software records both time and decibel levels so that it can report on both maximum levels and noise over time. Whenever the circuit is in use, personnel from the circuit monitor the data produced and act upon it to ensure that noise limits are adhered to.
  4. The position of the microphone is such that a vehicle under race or test conditions will provide a “Drive Past Test” noise measurement relating to that of the “Static Test” level. An example being if the “Static Noise Test” was 95dBA then the “Drive Past” will measure equivalent on the “Drive Past Test” equipment.
  5. Some vehicles exhaust or mapping system may produce unusually high noise at high RPM. These may pass the “Static Noise Test” but may produce abnormally high “Drive Past” measurements. A vehicle that exceeds the “Drive Past Test” limit will be withdrawn from the circuit and will be instructed that remedial changes will have to be made and that an appropriate test is retaken set by the Operations Director or event organiser before re-entering the track. This may be a “Static Noise Test” or “Drive Past Test” test or indeed both. Remedial changes must be left in position on the vehicle for the duration of the event. If the vehicle continues to fail the “Drive Past Test” limit it may be excluded from the event.
  6. If a participating vehicle undergoes a change of exhaust or engine remapping or any modification that is likely to alter the noise output, it must pass a further “Static Noise Test” before entering on to the trac
  7. If a vehicle has been found to have been modified and caused an increase in noise output following the initial test but has not been resubmitted for another “Static Noise Test” the vehicle and driver may at the discretion of the Operations Director be excluded from the remainder of the event. If the Operations Director considers the modifications to be an attempt to circumvent the noise regulations, then the Operations Director may report to the Managing Director who may decide on the vehicle/driver be excluded from further use of the circuit.

11.  Drive Past Test, Noise Margins

  1. The “Drive Past Test” meter cannot differentiate between single and multiple passing vehicles; a single passing vehicle should not exceed the “Static Noise Test” in force by more than 2dBA. This margin allows for driver ability and the position of the vehicle on the track.
  2. Two simultaneously passing vehicles should not exceed the “Static Noise Test” level in force by 3.5dBA.
  3. Three simultaneously passing vehicles should not exceed the “Static Noise Test” level in force by more than 4.5dBA.
  4. Where the “Drive Past Test” levels exceed the margins shown above, action should be taken to identify the noisy vehicle. As soon as the vehicle is identified it must be removed from the track for further testing.

12.  Mitigation Measures

  1. TSRC may install noise measurement equipment periodically outside the circuit.
  2. Physical mitigation measures may be installed by TSRC to reduce community noise from the circuit.
  3. TSRC will to its best endeavour ensure that published activity hours are respected including curfew times.

13.  Circuit Public Address System (PA)

Whilst a necessary part of the circuit infrastructure, the PA system has the potential to cause public nuisance if operated inappropriately.

The PA system at Three Sisters has four purposes:

  • Communication with competitors in the paddock area.
  • Event information for Spectators.
  • Public safety including the protection of children.
  • Race commentary.

System configuration:

  • The PA system comprises of loudspeakers mounted on poles and buildings around the circuit.
  • The control of the PA system is zoned for competitors, spectators and regulated from either the Dummy Grid Building or Lap Scoring.
  • Use should be limited to information and event management messages.
  • Volume must be restricted to the lowest practical level.

14.  Community Levels

The noise level received at noise sensitive receptors as a direct result of operations at TSRC will be Measured in LAeq (1 hour), LAeq (5mins) and LAFmax.

LAeq – Since almost all sounds vary or fluctuate with time it is helpful instead of having an instantaneous value to describe the noise event, to have an average of the total acoustic energy experienced over its duration. LAeq (5min) & LAeq (I hour) used in this NMP refer to the average acoustic energy experienced over rolling 5 minute and 1 hour time frames, throughout the duration of the operational day.

LAFmax – The LAFmax is the loudest instantaneous noise level. This is the loudest 125 milliseconds measured during every given period.

15.  Notification, Complaints and Community Liaison

The Managing Director will ensure that the TSRC website will incorporate:

  1. A calendar containing the relevant noise limits is maintained and published on the circuit website at the beginning of each year and updated as necessary.
  2. The Managing Director shall provide on request a report to the local authority (WC) detailing the days of use, the control noise level in operation along with relevant noise measurement data for each operational day.
  3. Records shall be kept for 24 months.
  4. A dedicated phone line is available for all local resident enquiries during Drift Events in 2024 - the number is 07939 382009.

Complaints or information received from the local community will be logged by circuit staff and upon receipt the circuit will take prompt action:

  1. Investigate the noise levels from the location of the complaint.
  2. Verify compliance with any regulation that may apply.
  3. Take action to mitigate noise impact if possible.
  4. Report the incident to the local authority (WC) within 72 hours.
  5. TSRC shall support and participate in any community meetings or correspondence as is reasonably possible.
  6. TSRC shall keep a record of all complaints received whether from the council or otherwise for a period of 24 months.

16.  Noise Management Plan Review

  1. The NMP is a live document and may be reviewed at any time.

  2. Reviews shall take place at least every 12 months.

  3. Updates to the NMP shall be notified to the local authority (WC) and shall be published within the community prior to implementation.

17.  Glossary of Terms

  • NMP – This entire document.
  • MSUK - The Motorsport UK, the national governing body of motorsport in the United Kingdom.
  • TSRC – Three Sisters Racing Circuit.
  • WC – Local Authority, Wigan Council.
  • ACU – Auto Cycle Union.
  • Static Noise Test – The test applied to vehicles before use of the track.
  • Static Noise Test Limit - The noise level above which a vehicle shall be prevented from entering the track.
  • Drive Past Test – A measurement taken on Conrad Straight using fixed monitoring equipment.
  • Drive Past Test Limit – The noise level above which a vehicle shall be removed from the track, subject to margins shown in the NMP.
  • The Circuit/Track – The track, paddock and area used for motorsport activity.
  • Race Day – The day which upon participating vehicles must adhere to noise limits specified by the appropriate motorsport governing body.
  • TDL – The Drift League.
  • MDS – Matsuri Drift Series.
  • Relevant Governing Body – means the Motorsport UK, Auto Cycle Union and any other Regulatory body.

18.  Circuit Plan

2024 Motorsport Calendar (provisional)

  • Sat, 20 Jan - BB Drift, Car (10am to 4.30pm)
  • Fri, 26 Jan - Testing - 2 Stroke, Kart (9am to 4.30pm)
  • Sat, 27 Jan - Teesside Karting Limited, Kart (10am to 4.30pm)
  • Sun, 28 Jan - Teesside Karting Limited, Kart (10am to 4.30pm)
  • Sat, 10 Feb - Novice Drift, Car (10am to 4.30pm)
  • Sun, 25 Feb - Supermoto Testing, Bike (10am to 5.30pm)
  • Sat, 2 Mar - BB Drift, Car (10am to 5.30pm)
  • Sat, 9 Mar - Testing - 2 Stroke, Kart (10am to 5pm)
  • Sun, 10 Mar - ACU Test - Motorcycles, Bike (10am to 5pm)
  • Sat, 16 Mar - Drift League GB, Car (10am to 6pm)
  • Fri, 29 Mar - NORA Supermoto, Bike (10am to 6pm)
  • Sat, 30 Mar - NORA Supermoto, Bike (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 31 Mar - NORA Supermoto, Bike (10am to 6pm)
  • Fri, 5 April - Novice Drift, Car (10am to 5.30pm)
  • Fri, 19 April - Testing - 2 Stroke, Kart (9am to 5pm)
  • Sat, 20 April - Manchester & Buxton Kart Club, Kart (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 21 April - Manchester & Buxton Kart Club, Kart (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 28 April - Preston & District Motorcycle Club, Bike (10am to 6pm)
  • Sat, 4 May - Drift League GB, Car (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 5 May - Drift League GB, Car (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 12 May - Wigan & District Motor Club, Car (10am to 6pm)
  • Thu, 6 Jun - FAB Racing, Bike (9am to 6pm)
  • Fri, 7 Jun - FAB Racing, Bike (9am to 6pm)
  • Sat, 8 Jun - FAB Racing, Bike (10am to 6pm)
  • Sat, 15 Jun - BB Drift, Car (10am to 5.30pm)
  • Sun, 16 Jun - Longton & District Motor Club, Car (10am to 6pm)
  • Thu, 27 Jun - Testing - 2 Stroke, Kart (9am to 5pm)
  • Fri, 28 Jun - Manchester & Buxton Kart Club, Kart (9am to 6pm)
  • Sat, 29 Jun - Manchester & Buxton Kart Club, Kart (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 30 Jun - Manchester & Buxton Kart Club, Kart (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 7 July - Preston & District Motorcycle Club, Bike (10am to 6pm)
  • Sat, 13 July - NORA Supermoto, Bike (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 14 July - NORA Supermoto, Bike (10am to 6pm)
  • Fri, 19 July - Ultimate Karting Championship - Testing, Kart (9am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 21 July - Longton & District Motor Club, Car (10am to 6pm)
  • Fri, 26 July - Ultimate Karting Championship - Testing, Kart (9am to 6pm)
  • Sat, 27 July - Ultimate Karting Championship, Kart (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 28 July - Ultimate Karting Championship, Kart (10am to 6pm)
  • Fri, 2 Aug - Novice Drift, Car (10am to 5.30pm)
  • Thu, 8 Aug - BMB Testing, Bike (9am to 5pm)
  • Fri, 9 Aug - BMB, Bike (9am to 6pm)
  • Sat, 10 Aug - BMB, Bike (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 11 Aug - BMB, Bike (10am to 6pm)
  • Fri, 16 Aug - Testing - 2 Stroke, Kart (9am to 5pm)
  • Sat, 17 Aug - Manchester & Buxton Kart Club, Kart (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 18 Aug - Manchester & Buxton Kart Club, Kart (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 1 Sept - Longton & District Motor Club, Car (10am to 6pm)
  • Fri, 13 Sept - NKC - Testing, Kart (9am to 5pm)
  • Sun, 15 Sept - Preston & District Motorcycle Club, Bike (10am to 6pm)
  • Fri, 20 Sept - NKC, Kart (9am to 6pm)
  • Sat, 21 Sept - NKC, Kart (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 22 Sept - NKC, Kart (10am to 6pm)
  • Fri, 27 Sept - Manchester & Buxton Kart Club, Kart (9am to 6pm)
  • Sat, 28 Sept - Manchester & Buxton Kart Club, Kart (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 29 Sept - Manchester & Buxton Kart Club, Kart (10am to 6pm)
  • Sat, 5 Oct - Drift League GB, Car (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 6 Oct - Drift League GB, Car (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 13 Oct - Wigan & District Motor Club, Car (10am to 6pm)
  • Sat, 19 Oct - NORA Supermoto, Bike (10am to 6pm)
  • Sun, 20 Oct - NORA Supermoto, Bike (10am to 6pm)
  • Sat, 2 Nov - Novice Drift, Car (10am to 4.30pm)
  • Fri, 15 Nov - Testing - 2 Stroke, Kart (9am to 4.30pm)
  • Sat, 16 Nov - Manchester & Buxton Kart Club, Kart (10am to 4.30pm)
  • Sun, 17 Nov - Manchester & Buxton Kart Club, Kart (10am to 4.30pm)
  • Sun, 1 Dec - BB Drift, Car (10am to 4.30pm)
  • Sat, 7 Dec - Kart Championship (9am to 5pm)
  • Sun, 8 Dec - Kart Championship (9am to 5pm)

Drift: During Novice and BB Drift days a maximum of 6 cars will be active on circuit at any one time. Alternative Drift circuit configurations are used on Novice and BB Drift days. On Drift events a maximum of 100dB (static) and 90dB (drive by) applies.

Cars, Bikes and Karts: On these operational days a noise limit of 105dB (static) and 95dB (drive by) applies in line with our licencing bodies regulations. Beyond the operational times shown above a curfew exists.

2024 RDX Drift School Calendar

  • Fri, 19 January (9am to 5pm)
  • Mon, 29 January (9am to 5pm)
  • Fri, 9 February (9am to 5pm)
  • Mon, 26 February (9am to 5pm)
  • Tue, 26 March (9am to 5pm)
  • Fri, 5 April (9am to 5pm)
  • Thu, 25 April (9am to 5pm)
  • Fri, 10 May (9am to 5pm)
  • Wed, 5 June (9am to 5pm)
  • Fri, 14 June (9am to 5pm)
  • Wed, 26 June (9am to 5pm)
  • Fri, 5 July (9am to 5pm)
  • Fri, 2 August (9am to 5pm)
  • Mon, 2 September (9am to 5pm)
  • Fri, 18 October (9am to 5pm)
  • Fri, 1 November (9am to 5pm)
  • Tue, 12 November (9am to 5pm)
  • Fri, 6 December (9am to 5pm)

Additional days could be added subject to demand. All RDX Drift Academy days take place during mid week and operate on a small area of the paddock.